Request for Google My Business Review Email Template

Home » Mental Health Blog » Request for Google My Business Review Email Template

Hello <Name>,

I hope this email finds you well. I am currently updating my practice Google My Business and would appreciate it if you would write a review for me. 

Reviews like yours will help patients/clients find me easier when using Google. 

To leave a review of my practice please:

  1. Visit <Link to your Google My Business> 
  2. Click on the the Reviews under my name
  3. Click on write a Review

When reviewing my practice, it would be helpful to include:

  • That we are colleagues
  • How we know each other 
  • What you appreciate about my approach

Thank you for taking the time to help me with my reviews. Your honest feedback and support is very valuable to me. Please let me know if I can return the favor.

Thank you,


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